ARTICLE 1: Purposes and Mission Statement.
A. Purposes.
- The AAPI – YPS is a National Organization requesting young physicians of Indian origin in North America
- The AAPI – YPS will promote, uphold and maintain the highest standards of ethics in the practice of medicine and in medical education;
- The AAPI – YPS will provide a channel of networking, support and open communication among its members;
- The AAPI – YPS will actively work to represent its members and their professional needs in both political and social domains;
- The AAPI – YPS will provide non-profit group service to the community at large and host other activities by local chapter affiliates.
B. Mission Statement.
The AAPI – YPS is a national organization that will promote the professional, political and social goals of young Indian American physicians today and in the future.
C. English is the official language.
ARTICLE II. Membership.
A. Eligibility.
Young Physician – A physician who has completed residency training and is within the first ten years of practice. (Fellows also have the option to become YPS members)
B. Discrimination.
Membership shall not be discriminated against because of race, color, gender, age, handicap, religious preference, disabilities, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin.
C. Local Chapter Affiliation.
Members may organize into local groups by charter as affiliates to the national organization.
Article III. Executive Committee
A. Composition
Executive Board:
- President
- President-Elect
- Vice-president
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Past-President
- National Convention Chairperson
Extended Board:
Regional Coordinators:
One (1) from each region as defined by the designations used by the AAPI parent organization.
Committee Representatives
B. Executive Committee Meetings
- Will be held annually as set by Executive Committee members
- Special meetings may be scheduled with at least seven (7) days’ notice after being called by majority vote of Executive Committee
- Each member will have one (1) vote.
- No proxies will be accepted.
- By majority vote, may institute/amend organizational policy, approval for disbursement of organizational funds, approve chapters, awards and honors, and low see the maintenance of organizational records, property and equipment
- By three quarters (3/4) vote may suspend or cancel any chapter affiliates, remove any officer of the organization or terminate any membership.
- Proceedings of the annual Executive Committee Meeting shall be published within 30 days after the meeting
C. Executive Committee Elections
- Nominations may be submitted by any member of AAPI – YPS (beginning thirty days prior day to elections)
- Nominations will be submitted before the Election proceedings at the AAPI YPS National Convention as follows
- Must be agreed to by nominee
- Must be given to the President, Vice President, President Elect or Past President. Elections which will take place during the General Body Meeting until the election process can be made electronic.
- All nominees must be active members in good standing
- All official AAPI-YPS members in attendance at the General Body Meeting before the Election proceedings will have one (l) vote
- Nominees with a majority vote at the General Body Meeting shall be elected. If there is no majority, the nominee with the least number of votes shall be eliminated and a new vote shall be taken. This process will continue until one nominee receives the majority vote.
- Newly elected executive committee members shall assume the duties of their positions at the close of the annual AAPI – YPS National Convention.
Executive Committee Officers (Term is for one year)
I. President
a. Qualifications.
Active member of AAPI-YPS. Has served as President-elect in year prior to taking office
b. Duties.
- Presides at the Annual Executive Committee Meeting and the General Body Meeting.
- Serves as the official representative of AAPI- YPS and contact person for the AAPL Executive Director.
- Must attend or send a representative to all) AAPI Governing Body Meetings.
- Must submit a written report to AAPI President and Executive Director fifteen (15) days before all AAPI Governing Body Meetings that will not have representation by AAPI-YPS.
- Works closely with Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and other members of the Executive Committee in carrying out the routine objectives and plans of the organization at a national level.
- Serves on Executive Committee
- Oversees planning and execution of WMC and National Convention
II. President-Elect
a. Qualifications.
Active member of AAPI-YPS with at least one year prior YPS board experience including attendance of WMC and National Convention within the past 5 years
b. Duties.
- Carries out the duties as assigned by the President
- In the event that the elected President is unable to or unwilling to perform the duties of the position, the President-elect will assume the duties of President.
- Serves on Executive Committee
- Works closely with President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Executive Board members in carrying out the routine objectives and plans of the organization at a national level
- Assists with planning and execution of WMC and National Convention
III. Vice-President
a. Qualifications.
Active member of AAPI-YPS with attendance of at least 1 WMC and National Convention within the past 5 years.
b. Duties.
- Carries out the duties as assigned by the President
- In the event that the President-elect is unable to or unwilling to perform the duties of the position, the Vice- President will assume duties.
- Serves on Executive Committee
- Works closely with President, Secretary, Treasurer and other Executive Board members in carrying out the routine objectives and plans of the organization at a national level
- Assists with planning and execution of WMC and National Convention
IV. Secretary
a. Qualifications.
Active member of AAPI- YPS.
b. Duties.
- Oversees the preparation of the proceedings for the AAPI – YPS Executive Committee Meeting and General Body Meeting.
- Oversees the maintenance of all historical organizational records.
- Maintains social media presence on all platforms
- Maintains digital database for continuity of YPS executive board functions
- Records the minutes of the AAPI – YPS Executive Committee Meeting and General Body Meeting and will publish them within thirty (30) days.
- Serves on Executive Committee. If officer is unable to attend a general body meeting he/she must provide in writing reason to President for absence.
- Works closely with President, Vice-President, Treasurer and other members in carrying out the routine objectives and plans of the organization at a national level.
- Assists with planning and execution of WMC and National Convention
V. Treasurer
a. Qualifications
Active member of AAPI-YPS
b. Duties.
- Assumes the duties of the Secretary if that officer is unable or unwilling to perform the duties of the position
- Performs those duties as assigned by the Secretary
- Serves on Executive Committee. If officer is unable to attend a general body meeting, he/she must provide in writing reason to President for absence
- Works closely with President, Vice-President, Secretary and other officers in carrying out the routine objectives and plans of the organization at a national level
- Assists with planning and execution of WMC and National Convention
VI. Convention-Chairperson
a. Qualifications.
- Active member of AAPI – YPS
- Encourage prior attendance of at least 1 WMC
b. Duties.
- Organize the details of the convention with regards to registration, publicity, accommodations, the research forum, speakers/workshops, travel, entertainment etc.
- Give monthly reports to the Executive Committee Officers on the progress of the Convention starting ten months before projected date of convention
- Utilize members of the Executive Committee to assist in planning for the Convention and will work in conjunction with the convention chairperson of the AAPI Convention and the AAPI Help organize the yearly convention
- Assists with planning and execution of WMC and National Convention
VII. Past President
a. Qualifications.
- Active member of AAPI YPS
- Served as President of YPS the previous term
b. Duties.
- Works closely with President, Vice-President, Secretary and other officers in carrying out the routine objectives and plans of the organization at a national level.
- Assists with planning and execution of WMC and National Convention
VIII. Regional Coordinators
a. Qualifications
- Active member of the AAPI – YPS.
- Must be living in the region he/she will be representing
b. Duties.
- One (1) official coordinator from each region defined by the designations used by the AAPI parent organization
- Perform the duties as assigned by the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or Convention Chairperson
- Help organize and coordinate activities from their respective region and will be the resource person for local chapter affiliates.
Article VII. Amendments to the Constitution.
A. Proposal.
Any proposal for an amendment to the Constitution shall be typewritten and shall state the Article, Section and Paragraph to be changed and shall be submitted to the AAPI-YPS Officers.
B. Presentation.
The AAPI – YPS Officers may change wording for clarification, but not to modify the intent and present the new amendment, the part to be replaced and financial impact, if any, to the next Executive Committee Meeting
C. Approval.
After approval by three-fourths (3/4) of the voting members of the Executive Committee, proposed amendments to Constitution are to be published by the Editor-in-Chief for distribution within thirty (30) days after the vote.
D. Effective Date.
The amendment shall take effect at the close of the Annual General Body Meeting at which it must obtain two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote.
Code of Conduct:
All AAPI – YPS members are expected to maintain a professional code of conduct, including strict adherence to this Code of Conduct, their specialty organization’s respective Code of Conduct, their employer’s respective Code of Conduct and the American Medical Association’s Code of Ethics. Members are expected to remain professional during all AAPI – YPS events (in-person and virtual events), including maintaining professional attire and collegial and respectful interactions with others. Not following this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary or legal action and/or dismissal from the organization.
All AAPI – YPS executive committee and committee members must abide by the aforementioned Code of Conduct. In addition, they must complete their designated responsibilities under the leadership of the AAPI – YPS President and participate in 80% of all the executive committee meetings. If unable to do so, the YPS President with support of his/her Board can dismiss said board member. If the YPS President requires dismissal, then Immediate Past President or President-elect, along with support of the AAPI – YPS board can dismiss the President. In the event of a dismissal, the president (or President-elect) may nominate a new officer with board approval.